Friday 25 October 2013

Travel to the Heart of India - Madhya Pradesh

An alluring journey filled with many beautiful monuments, intricately carved places of worship, rich flora and fauna and an unforgettable journey to the centre of India, Madhya Pradesh has a lot to offer to holiday revellers. As the name suggests, situated in the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh too experiences all climate changes and mostly has a dry climate. The summers are hot and winters are cold.

Every time we plan our travel we need to keep the weather conditions in purview and then clothe ourselves accordingly. Madhya Pradesh experiences very hot and arid summers making it difficult to enjoy the beauty of this state to the fullest. The scorching summer heat prevents you from stepping out of your hotel room and walk around the popular sightseeing spots across Madhya Pradesh. Hence it is may be said that it is best to avoid a trip to Madhya Pradesh from April to September. As the winters approach the entire country starts to cool down and so does Madhya Pradesh

The best time to visit Madhya Pradesh is during the cool winter months of October to March, beginning of summer or spring. The weather conditions are quite comfortable to manoeuvre around the different hot spots and enjoy the beauty of the state in its full glory. As mentioned, Madhya Pradesh is blessed with many beautiful monuments, places of historical significance, ample flora and fauna and a tradition that dates back to thousands of years. You can enjoy all these different aspects of Madhya Pradesh during the winter months.

Winter also is a prominent season for different festivals and the celebrations across Madhya Pradesh are a sight worth seeing. The different sights around Madhya Pradesh leaving an alluring image in your mind and beckon you to come visit this state to explore more. Few places of interest that are best explored during winters are- Dhuandhar falls in Jabalpur, Khajuraho, the innumerable wildlife reserves and national parks like Ken Ghariyal, Kanha, Pench, Panna, etc.; Gwalior, Bhopal and many more wonderful destinations

The salubrious weather during the winter months is a blessing for all avid travellers and those who want to explore the beautiful state of Madhya Pradesh.

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