Monday 22 July 2013

Lumbini: The Blessed Land

Located in the Rupandehi district of Nepal, the small town of Lumbini is regarded as the birth place of Siddhartha Gautama or Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. It forms a part of the four holy sites or pilgrimages of the followers of Buddhism along with Bodh Gaya, Sarnath and Kushinagar. It is believed that Buddha himself named the four sites for pilgrimage, which include his birthplace, englightment, first discourse and death. While the exact place of Buddha's birth is disputed, legend has it that he spent his childhood here.

Being a holy site, Lumbini has several temples, monasteries and stupas. The town is bestowed with natural beauty and as per legend Maya Devi (Buddha’s mother) was captivated by the scenic splendor of the place. She then experienced labour pains under a Sal tree and Lord Buddha was born. Among the various holy temples here are:

Maya Devi Temple: For centuries no one knew about the existence of this temple. It was discovered after further excavation on a site that a German archaeologist stumbled upon. It’s a brick temple with a sandstone sculpture and scenes of Buddha's birth. Near this temple is a holy bathing pool called Puskarni. It is here that Maha Devi had a bath before her delivery. Excavations have also revealed a ‘marker stone’ here placed by Ashoka, revealing the exact birth place of Buddha.

The China Temple: This temple is a complex of pagodas, meditation cells and prayer rooms built by the Buddhist Association of China. The Buddhist monastery: A beautiful and peaceful monastery built in modern style architecture.

There are various other temples here like the Korean temple, Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Temple, Myanmar Temple etc. There are several other attractions too like the Japan Peace Stupa. Nippon Jon Kyohoji of Japan built this tall edifice measuring 41-m that features four different Buddha statues whereas the dome of the stupa looks towards the four directions. One can also visit the Lumbini Museum. On display here are ancient manuscripts, artefacts from the Mauryan and Kushana periods and several other relics discovered at the excavation site.

The best time to visit Lumbini is during October and November, as the climate at this time is perfect for tourist activities. The town is covered in lush greenery and you can catch breathtaking clear views of the various Himalayan Peaks. To get to Lumbini you can either fly or take a train. The closest airport is at Bhairahawa (22km away) and the closest station is at Nautanwa. To travel within the town you can hire cycle rickshaws or better rent a bike, available at reasonable rates. Lumbini is a town of immense scenic beauty and a rich religious heritage. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. The innumerable temples here give this town a holy and blessed aura. It’s a holy pilgrimage centre for Buddhists but other tourists can go there just to feel the calm and serene atmosphere.

When is the best time to visit Madhya Pradesh?

The picturesque state of Madhya Pradesh holds the promise of an enticing, memorable and fun filled holiday for all kinds of tourists. The state is replete with ancient monuments, historic sites, magnificent temples, bustling cities, quiet villages, majestic forts, beautiful palaces and an abundant and diverse wildlife. This means ample to see and do for history buffs, adventure tourists and simple travellers.

To enjoy any place thoroughly it is best to go when the weather is ideal. Madhya Pradesh experiences extreme climates, dry scorching summers and chilly winters. It has four seasons, summers, winters, spring and monsoons. The topography of Madhya Pradesh ranges from the plains in the east, plateau with the Vindhya & the Satpura mountain ranges, rocky hills & ravines to lush green forests and meandering rivers. Each region has a certain charm in a given season.

Ideally the best time to visit Madhya Pradesh is during the winter months from October to March. The weather is extremely pleasant and salubrious. However different places in this huge state are worth visiting in other seasons. So it depends on what you are interested in seeing. If you want to visit the national parks like Bandhavgarh, between November and June is a good time to go. For Kanha on the other hand February to June is a good time. Keep in mind that the parks are closed during monsoon months, i.e. from 1 July to 31 October. So plan your trip accordingly.

The historic city of Mandu is best visited during monsoons when it is surrounded by lush greenery. For sightseeing in the other cities like Gwalior, Bhopal, Jabalpur etc are the winter months i.e. from October to March. This is because these places have a lot of sightseeing options which cannot be explored in the blazing sun of summers, when the temperatures touch 40 degrees.

Besides the extreme heat problem in summers, Madhya Pradesh may be visited throughout the year. The summer months will help you get good bargains at other wise expensive heritage hotels. Summer months are the best time to travel for budget travellers. You can also enjoy the sightseeing at leisure without the long queues and bustling tourists. The guides will also show you around at lesser price. But be prepared to bear the sweltering heat.

Nevertheless winters remain the best time to visit. The temperatures are bearable and the entire state is covered in verdant lush greenery. Regardless of what time you visit the Madhya Pradesh, this beautiful state will flood you with sightseeing options, tourist attractions in Madhya Pradesh and a horde of activities to indulge in. Enjoy your visit to the heart of India, a state which may be rightly called a microcosm of the culture, history and heritage of all of India.

Sunday 21 July 2013

A Heavenly Abode- Sarnath

The teachings and preaching’s of Lord Buddha has always left the follower in a tranquil state of mind. The deer park where Lord Gautama Buddha first imparted the Dharma, Sarnath, is a beautiful and quaint town located near Varanasi in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This blissful location attracts innumerable Buddhism followers as part of their pilgrimage and also a number of tourists who want to explore this beautiful town. Sarnath plays a very important role in the life of a Buddhist because of its sheer significance to the Buddhist Dharma and the place where the Buddhist Sangha came to life. A visit to the Sarnath temples leaves you with a sudden peace of mind and makes you connect with your inner-self leaving you quiet inside. Sarnath or Isipatana is of great importance to not only Buddhists but also Jains alike. This is also said to the birth place of the 11th Tirthankar of Jainism, Shreyansanath and has a temple dedicated to him. It also holds great reverence among Jains as being one of the places of Pilgrimage.

If you looking at spending some quiet moments with yourself without any hindrance, Sarnath temples bring you that very tranquillity that you are seeking. The temples of Sarnath present an aesthetic look with wonderful simple architecture dating back to many centuries. The temples are a mix of Buddhist and Jain Religious sites and give you a very warm sense of spirituality when you visit them. The Sarnath Temple is believed to be built by the legendary Emperor Ashoka many centuries ago. It is said to be the place where Lord Buddha preached his first sermon called Dhammachakkapavattana. The temple compound constitutes of various stupas that are definitely worth a visit. Chaukhandi Stupa is said to be built by King Akbar in the 15th century and believed to be the very place where Lord Buddha met with his first five disciples. Dhamek Stupa contains remnants of the Lord himself and one can feel a mesmerizing quiet aura once inside this gigantic temple. Ashoka Pillar which is also the national emblem of India was constructed by King Ashoka depicting his rule and the sovereignty of Lord Buddha. Bodhi Tree is another revered point of worship as good as a temple and holds great importance amongst Buddhists. Mulagandhakuti Vihara is another modern temple complex built in the early 19th century and holds various antiques and relics from various places as well as a large Golden statue of Lord Gautama Buddha. The Japanese frescos along with a few Jain and Chinese temples are worth visiting while in Sarnath. The idyllic aura of Sarnath along with its marvellous medieval architecture of the temples and excavation sites leaves you with an immense sense of pride and serenity.

The temples of Sarnath depict the preaching’s of the Enlightened One and gives you an opportunity to cherish the beauty of this magnificent place with family and friends!

Home of the Enlightened One – Bodhgaya

Have you ever wanted to visit a place that brings you a certain peace of mind! A place that brings you perfect tranquillity coupled with some fine architecture, Bodhgaya greets you with open arms to come and visit its beautiful ancient temples. Bodhgaya has long been known in history as the very place where Lord Gautama Buddha attained Enlightenment or Bodhimandala. Bodhgaya holds great importance amongst travellers being a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well as one of the four main pilgrimage sites amongst Buddhists. There are wonderful sites that greet you at Bodhgaya, each holding significance amongst Buddhists and greeting the tourists with warmth. Getting to Bodhgaya is not as difficult as earlier times because of its connectivity to major cities by rail, road and air. With the innumerable accommodation options available your visit to the Bodhgaya temples is very relaxing and comfortable.

Bodhgaya temples have long been admired for their exquisite beauty, intrinsic architecture and beautiful carvings. The preaching’s Lord Buddha and the essence of the Lords life can be felt in the temples of Bodhgaya. The first temple of Bodhgaya was said to be built by Emperor Ashoka many centuries ago. The temple still stands strong and emits a positive aura of spirituality, tranquillity and peacefulness. Mahabodhi Temple - the main temple of Bodhgaya, is located in the Mahabodhi complex. If you visit this complex you are sure to be enthralled by its exquisite throne of Lord Buddha made of diamonds along with the world renowned tree called Bodhi Tree located within the premise. The sapling of the tree is said to be brought from the main Bodhi Tree situated in Sri Lanka and till date stands tall and full of life, visited by many tourists and pilgrims throughout the year. The walls of the Mahabodhi temple complex are full of Jataka tales engraved on it and tell stories that go back to many centuries. There are various temples built by Buddhist followers from different countries in and around the Mahabodhi Vihara Temple complex. One can see beautiful temples with exquisite and fine architecture along with beautiful Buddha statues and the chanting of prayers through the temple complex. Buddhists from world over such as Myanmar, Tibet, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, China, Japan and Bhutan have built temples and beautiful monasteries around the temple complex. Each of these temples showcases distinctive architecture and aesthetics that is unique to their own country. The temple and monastery of Thailand has a beautiful, large statue of Lord Buddha made carved in bronze whereas Myanmar and Japan temple and monastery is typically Pagoda shaped. Another place of great significance is Rajgir, situated at a little distance from the main temple site in Bodhgaya. Gridhakuta Hill and Venuvan are said to be the place frequented by Lord Buddha and is visited and worshipped by many Buddhists even today.

Feel the tranquillity enchant you over by a visit to the Temples of Bodhgaya! Home of the Enlightened One – Bodhgaya

Friday 12 July 2013

Explore the wild in Madhya Pradesh

There are 25 Wildlife Sanctuaries in Madhya Pradesh and nine national parks. Hence, it is not surprising that Madhya Pradesh is referred to as the tiger state of India. In fact it enjoys the distinction of possessing the maximum number of tiger population in the country. Here is an overview of some of the most important national parks in Madhya Pradesh:

  • Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve: Even though Bandhavgarh is a small national park is extremely popular, as the number of tigers found in this park is quite high. Spread over 44 sq. km. and besides the tiger, the park is also inhabited by 250 species of birds, 40 leopards, 35 species of mammals, which includes wild boars, jackals, nilgais, gaurs, porcupines and sambars. This park used to be the hunting ground for the Maharaja of Rewa and is presently a natural hub for White Tigers.

  • Pench Tiger Reserve: This tiger reserve in the Chhindwara District and Seoni District of southern Madhya Pradesh. Pench Tiger Reserve is home to a diverse variety of flora and fauna. The flora found in this park consists of different species of herbs, shrubs and grasses. The fauna found here is quite noteworthy considering it is home to an impressive number of panthers and tigers. The different species of mammals found here include barking deer, wildboar, gaur, sloth bear, wilddog, langur, rhesus, nilgai chital and sambhar. There is also an impressive species of birds available that include barhead geese, coots, Brahminy duck, poachards etc.

  • Kanha National Park: This is a national park and a well-known tiger reserve situated in the Balaghat and Mandla districts of Madhya Pradesh. It is definitely a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts because they will get to explore and come face to face with exotic animals and creatures. Some of the animals that are found in this park include panther, tiger, barasingha, chousingha, gaur, langur, jackal, wild pig, sloth bear and wild dog.

  • Panna National Park: This particular national park is located in Madhya Pradesh at a distance of 57km from Khajuraho. Even though this region is known for its diamond industry, it is also possesses some of the finest wildlife species. This is one of the most popular tiger reserves in the country. It is known for its tigers, deer and antelope. Besides, the wild animals, one can also find over 200 species of migratory birds such as honey buzzard, king vulture, paradise flycatcher, parakeet, slaty headed scimitar etc.

  • Madhav National Park: The Madhav National Park is situated on the northern fringe of Central Highlands. The park is known for its forest as well as lake ecosystems. Open throughout the year, this park is known for its terrain of wooded hills along with deciduous and flat grasslands.

These are just some of the most prominent national parks in Madhya Pradesh that are known for breathtaking landscape and the variety of flora and fauna. A visit to any of the national parks is truly mesmerizing as it offers one the opportunity to explore the wild of the jungle.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Khajuraho Temples are Incredible Stories In Stone

Among the exceptional sights in India are the temples of Khajuraho. Situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India, Khajuraho is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The temples date back hundreds of years and are a testament to the incredible artistry and skill of the workmen of those times who worked with their bare hands with the most basic of tools. Each carving is exquisite and tells stories of legends and mythical tales as well. The Khajuraho temples are world famous also for their uninhibited depiction of the physical pleasures enjoyed by mortals as well as by the gods. There are many temples contained in the complex and while these were lost for some time during the decline of the ruling dynasty, they were rediscovered and the encroaching jungle cleaned by a British Officer during colonial times.

The Khajuraho Temples were initially 85 in number but now there are just 22 left. Various sects are represented here and one can find Jain temples alongside Shiva and Vishnu temples as well. The temples were originally aligned in the East, West and Southern directions. The western group of temples is the largest one and is easy to visit. There are fourteen temples here and these are among the largest group here. One can find an entire range of emotions here in the carvings on the walls of the temples in the western side. The Eastern group has 7 temples that have 3 Hindu and 4 Jain temples and the southern group is about 5 kms away from the main temple complexes. Khajuraho sees a large number of tourists every year and people come from all over the world to admire the works of art here.

Khajuraho is well connected by air, by train and by road to all the major cities in India and getting connections to Khajuraho is also easy. These days one can easily browse online to find out about what Khajuraho has to offer and the best times to visit. There is a dance festival held here every year that goes on for 7 days showcasing the best classical dance forms of India. The festival is usually held at the end of February and there are live performances by the best names in classical dances like Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Kathak, Manipuri etc. The dances performed against the incredible backdrop of the temples start at dusk and go on into the darkening nights giving an ethereal feel to this place. The numbers of tourists at this time increase significantly so it is best to make reservations in advance to avoid any disappointment in accommodation.

With the help of the internet one can easily book hotels and Sightseeing in Madhya Pradesh tours online. There are all kinds of hotels to fit all budgets and one can get great deals and offers for a tour of Khajuraho temples online from a reputed travel agency.

Monday 8 July 2013


The state of Madhya Pradesh is located in the centre of India; it is for this reason that the MP tourism board promotes it as ‘the heart of incredible India’. And rightly so, Madhya Pradesh is not just centrally located but has also preserved the values and historical traditions of India. Home to innumerable monuments, stupas, palaces, forts and equally blessed by nature by way of spectacular mountain ranges, dense forests and meandering rivers, MP is definitely the best of India in one state.

To completely explore and experience Madhya Pradesh, even months would be less. The state is huge not just in size but also in the abundance of its offerings. Magnificent ancient monuments and pristine national parks dot its entire landscape. The Sightseeing in Madhya Pradesh options for a tourist here are innumerable. Each city has some unique gem preserved in its folds.

Gwalior has the regal hill top fort towering over the city, dating back to a 1000 years. The fort is an interesting blend of Indian and Chinese architecture. The town of Orchha has well preserved palaces and temples from the medieval era. The abandoned city of Mandu has beautiful remains of grand Mughal architecture. Indore is famous for architecture which is a blend of Mughal, Maratha and British influences. One can’t miss the erotic art of the Khajuraho temples depicting beautifully carved sculptures. The Datia district is a renowned pilgrimage popular for Buglamukhi Devi Temple, the holy Jain centre of Sonagiri and Gopeshwar Temple and Siddhapeeth of Shri Peetambra Devi. The small town of Chitrakoot is a pious destination for Hindus is known for its resplendent and serene surroundings.

Madhya Pradesh also boasts of nine national parks and twenty five sanctuaries. The Kanha National Park situated between the mountain peaks of Majkal and Satpura is home to the endangered species, the royal Bengal tiger. Bandhavgarh National Park is home to a large number of endangered species such as Indian bison, langurs, tigers and chital. Pench National Park and Panna Tiger Reserve are some of the other famous parks here.

The scenic beauty of Madhya Pradesh is unmatched. Nature has blessed this state with incredible natural wonders. The plateau has the magnificent Vindhyachal and Satpura mountains to flaunt. It is replete with lush dense forests, beautiful waterfalls, lakes and limestone caves. Among the famous ones are the Upper and Lower lakes of Bhopal, the Dhuandhar waterfalls, and the Rajat Pratap Falls. The hill stations of Panchmarhi, Amarkantak and Shivpuri offer spectacular views and sights. Man made wonders like the Bansagar Dam, Bargi Dam, Gandhi Sagar Dam, Kerwa Dam etc are also major tourist attractions.

The state is so large and diverse that listing all its famous sightseeing spots is an impossible task. This vibrant state offers a unique and exciting panorama of culture, history, wildlife and nature. A visit to this intriguing state will enthral and captivate you, and even when you leave, a small bit will stay with you forever. Madhya Pradesh truly has something for everyone!